Monday, December 12, 2011

Guest Blogging Round-up: November

Every Thursday, I write about all things finance from the young adult’s perspective in a series called Pennies-Nickel-Dollars over at Pretty Natural Divas.  Take a look at my posts from October and be sure to check me out  each and every Thursday! 

Pennies-Nickels-Dollars: Managing Student Loans  Tips to help you minimize and manage student loans before, during, an after college.

No Job & No Savings, Could You Survive? A look at the online game Spent that simulates the feeling financial hardship. 

5 ways cleaning out your closet can make/save you money  How to find money in your closet!

Monday, December 5, 2011

3rd Update: Short Term Goals

It's been a while (6 months!) since my last update, but I've made a lot of progress in some of my goals, mainly the financial ones!


Create a $1000 emergency fund by September 2011.  
2/11: 75% of the way there! Woo Hoo!
6/11: Savings account balance: $3175.48   Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going to wait until September to officially set a new savings goal, but with automatic savings I should be at around $3500 even by then :)
*I almost forgot about my bank that I mentioned in the "Making Savings Fun" post,  we've raised about $54 in change lol  
12/11: On December 1st I broke the $5000 mark in my savings account!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Money Lesson: Be Observant

Last weekend, I needed to do a little shopping so I headed out to Target.  I saw a large package of toilet paper was on sale for $12 so I quickly grabbed one and headed to the checkout line.  The cashier rang up my purchase and called out the total, but as I pulled out my debit card and began to swipe, I paused..."Could you repeat that total?"  Turns out the toilet paper rang up as the original price of $15...

The same night, my fiancĂ© and I decided to go out to eat.  We had great food, a really nice waitress, and everything was going fine...until the bill came.  There was an extra item listed on our receipt and--had I not noticed--we would have been overcharged by about $5!

So, there were mistakes on two separate occasions in the same night that could have cost me money...BUT, by paying attention as the transactions were taking place, I was able to catch these mistakes and save a few dollars.  It may not seem like $3-5 is a lot of money, but considering all the purchases you make every single month, if even a few result in you being overcharged then that $3-5 can add up!  Make sure you observant when making purchases and review all your receipts!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guest Blogging Round-up: October

 Every Thursday, I write about all things finance from the young adult’s perspective in a series called Pennies-Nickel-Dollars over at Pretty Natural Divas.  Take a look at my posts from October and be sure to check me out  each and every Thursday! 

Daily Deal Sites: Do's and Don'ts  Tips to make sure you are making the most out of daily deal sites like Groupon and Living Social. 

Budgeting 101 + Free Budget Template A beginner's guide to making a budget, with a free template available for download.

Things Retailers Don't Tell You  A discussion of insider retail secrets used to trick shoppers into spending more.  

My Favorite Cheapie Hair Products  A rundown of my favorite hair products priced under $10.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Credit Card Paid Off!

For the first time since 2005, I checked my credit card statement online and saw this:

Woo Hoo!!!

Now I have to decide where to go from here. Originally I had planned to start using my credit card for all my monthly purchases and just pay the balance in full each month. This was due to the maintenance fees and check card fees that Suntrust bank were planning to implement, but now that they have decided not to charge these fees, I don't have a reason to stop using my debit card. I'll figure it out eventually, but for now I'm going to enjoy the feeling of the $0 balance : )