Showing posts with label short term goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short term goals. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

2012 Financial Goals: Update

It's been a long time since I've done one of these but I'm back! I have had a lot of changes to my finances, mainly I'm in the process of buying my first home!  From a purely financial standpoint this may not have been the best decision, however the home is in an ideal neighborhood, I LOVE the house and can see myself (and my fiance and future family) there for a long time, so I'm comfortable with my choice.

Save $4000 by January 2013 I've added about $2200 to my savings this year and so far I haven't touched any of the money that has been added to my savings account since I opened it.  I'm scheduled to close on the house in about 2 weeks and unfortunately I will have to pull out about $1500 for closing.

Maintain a buffer of $100 in my monthly budget. From March to May I maintained about a $400 buffer each month.  In June I went on a vacation and had some minor expenses relating to the house (ex paying for a home inspection) so this buffer was only $49.  I did put down a $1000 deposit to secure the venue for my wedding next year, but I didn't include this in my monthly budget because I have been saving cash and gifts from family members in an envelope labeled Wedding Fund (old school, I know).

Maintain $0 credit card debt.
I used my credit card for my regular monthly expenses (grocery, gas, etc.) and pay the balance in full by the end of the month.  So far this year I've gotten a $50 Gift Card using my credit card reward points and by next month I should have enough points for another $25 card!

Open a Roth IRA
Haven't done this yet. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

2012 Financial Goals: February Update

Save $4000 by January 2013 I contributed $210 to my savings account this month through automatic direct deposit. I also took part of my tax refund along with some of my "buffer" in my checking account and added $600 to savings, so I've already saved about $1000 so far this year!

Maintain a buffer of $100 in my monthly budget. I've really been sticking to this one, and February was almost as good as January.  By the end of the month I had an extra $650 left over after expenses and savings!

Maintain $0 credit card debt.
I used my credit card for my regular monthly expenses (grocery, gas, etc.) and paid the balance in full by the end of the month.

Open a Roth IRA
Haven't done this yet. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Financial Goals: January Update

Save $4000 by January 2013 I contributed $210 to my savings account this month through automatic direct deposit. In the next week or so, I will transfer a lump sum ($300-500) into my savings account. Wondering where I'm going to get that lump sum? Keep reading...

Maintain a buffer of $100 in my monthly budget. I did a great job of limiting my shopping and my restaurant meals this month.  I went out to eat only 4 times this month and what shopping I did was from the clearance rack.  By the end of the month I had an extra $700 left over after expenses and savings!

Maintain $0 credit card debt.
I used my credit card for my regular monthly expenses (grocery, gas, etc.) and paid the balance in full by the end of the month.

Open a Roth IRA
Haven't done this yet. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Financial Goals

It's a new year, so it is the perfect time for a new set of goals.  I made awesome strides in my financial life in 2012, and I hope to continue that success into 2012.  Here is a list of my goals for 2012, along with ideas for behaviors that I can do to help achieve them. 

Save $4000 by January 2013
  • Direct deposits to savings: Already set, with the current setting can save about $2500 without doing anything else.  May increase the amount saved each month.
  • Save 50% (or more) of tax refund.  I saved a good portion of my refund last year and used part of it to pay off credit card. 
  • Increase income.  This year I will be eligible for a promotion at work that comes with a 10% raise.  Also use money earned from Swagbucks (gift cards), online surveys, and credit card rewards to decrease some of my regular expenses instead of using it to buy frivolous stuff

Maintain a buffer of $100 in my monthly budget.  A few times in 2011 I went over my budget (note: I think of my savings as a bill I have to pay, so I didn’t actually spend more than I earned, just cut into the amount of money I put into savings each month).  After I build up a few months of a buffer I will transfer that amount to my savings account.
  • Tell myself no when I’m lusting after an item in the store
  • Limit costly restaurant meals
  • Use cash when shopping for personal supplies, clothes, food, etc to make sure I stick to the monthly budget.

Maintain $0 credit card debt. 
  • Pay credit card balance in full each month
  • For major purchases and wedding purchases, create separate savings account/sub-account to take care of it instead of using credit card.

Open a Roth IRA
  • Read blogs, books, etc to research options

Monday, December 5, 2011

3rd Update: Short Term Goals

It's been a while (6 months!) since my last update, but I've made a lot of progress in some of my goals, mainly the financial ones!


Create a $1000 emergency fund by September 2011.  
2/11: 75% of the way there! Woo Hoo!
6/11: Savings account balance: $3175.48   Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going to wait until September to officially set a new savings goal, but with automatic savings I should be at around $3500 even by then :)
*I almost forgot about my bank that I mentioned in the "Making Savings Fun" post,  we've raised about $54 in change lol  
12/11: On December 1st I broke the $5000 mark in my savings account!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2nd Update: Short Term Goals

A few months ago, I came up with a few goals to keep my finances and life on track.  Here's a quick update on my progress:


Create a $1000 emergency fund by September 2011.  
2/11: 75% of the way there! Woo Hoo!
6/11: Savings account balance: $3175.48   Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm going to wait until September to officially set a new savings goal, but with automatic savings I should be at around $3500 even by then :)
*I almost forgot about my bank that I mentioned in the "Making Savings Fun" post,  we've raised about $54 in change lol  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update: Short Term Goals

A few months ago, I came up with a few goals to keep my finances and life on track.  Here's a quick update on my progress:


  • Create a $1000 emergency fund by September 2011.  75% of the way there! Woo Hoo!
  • Have a "no-spend weekend" every month.  I started off well, but I didn't plan ahead so some weekends I needed to buy groceries, ran out of supplies around the house, or was too lazy to cook.   

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Short Term Goals

Here's the plan for the next couple of years:

  • Create a $1000 emergency fund by September 2011.
  • Have a "no-spend weekend" every month.   
  • Double my 401k contributions by December 2011.
  • No credit card debt by September 2012.
  • Set a wedding budget (and date) with an action plan for saving the money to pay for it by January 1, 2011.

Personal Growth
  • Read 1 book a month from now until December 2011.
  • Identify 1 skill that I have and create an action plan (certification? Books/other resources? Practice?) with a timeline to develop it.