Showing posts with label interest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interest. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

Money in your 20s: 5 Things Everyone Should Know

Women's Money Week 2012 Participant

I am participating in the first annual Women’s Money Week, a project to empower women to take control of their finances.   Today's topic is Money in your Twenties/Thirties/Forties/Fifties/Retirement. Check out the Women's Money Week 2012 website for more posts from some amazing Women Money Bloggers!    

For some this period may represent your glory days while others may refer to it as a Quarter Life Crisis, but your 20s is a time of amazing transformation. The bridge connecting adolescence and adulthood, your 20s may bring your first (full-time) job, first love, first major purchase (ex- a new car), and first experience with recurring bills (student loans anyone?).  With all these “firsts,” it is important to make sure you are making smart choices and creating good habits to carry you through the rest of your life…ESPECIALLY when it comes to your finances.    Here are a few things that I believe everyone should know about money before leaving your 20s to put you on the path to financial security:

How to create a budget.
You have probably heard this before, but the budget is one of the basic principles of personal finance. For some, this may be your first experience making enough money to actually support yourself.  In order to manage this new fortune, you need to keep track of the money you have coming in (income), the money you have going out (expenses), and make sure that your income is always greater than your expenses.  

Avoid the credit trap!
When I was in college, there were credit card companies all over the campus offering free t-shirts, mugs, etc.  just for signing up.  In that setting I was eager to sign up for my first credit card, but luckily I refrained from actually using the card for over a year and truly considered it a tool to be used for emergencies (and the occasional tattoo—don’t judge me lol).  Your 20s is a time for establishing and building your credit. Because you probably have little to no credit already, you probably won’t have the best credit rates, so spending recklessly on your card and carrying a credit card balance from month to month means that you may face hefty interest charges.  That spring wardrobe you caught on sale might not be that good of a deal if you buy it on credit and have to pay an extra 10-20% over the course of a year.  Also, don’t mess up your credit early by applying for a lot of different credit cards, maxing out card, and missing payments.  Not only do these immediately hurt your credit score (which would affect your future interest rates on home/auto loans), but they create bad financial habits that become more and more difficult to break.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Guest Post: How I saved over $18K in 2011

Meet Randy, author of the lifestyle blog YoungNEducated.  Covering  everything from fitness and finances to relationships and careers, his blog is the perfect blend of intelligence, wit, and cultural commentary.   He's here to share how, in a matter of weeks, he found simple ways to save himself over $18,000 this year!