I have a confession...sometimes I procrastinate and allow issues to linger instead of tackling them right away. A few weeks ago, I was working on a task at my job but I just could not get myself to take the actions needed to finish it. For some reason, I felt this task was so daunting and so time consuming that I just wanted to avoid it at all costs. i knew I would have to finish the project eventually, but at the time I chose to let it sit on my desk for a few days while I kept myself busy with other work that was equally as important but probably less urgent. The problem is that each day it sat on my desk, my anxiety regarding the work increased and what should have been a proverbial "molehill" quickly became a "mountain" in my head. Finally, one day I came to my senses. I asked myself, Why am I spending all of this time agonizing over this work when I can just buckle down and finish it?
I've created similar scenarios while working on my finances. I know I have spent more hours worrying about how much I owe in studnt loans than actually creating a solid plan to pay them off quickly. I've purchased items that I quickly realize that I will never use, but instead of going to get a refund, I would just put things away in my closet as I worry about going over my budget for the month.
Some of you may have the same problem that I have of putting myself through unnecessary suffering. Do you find ourself avoiding the mailbox because of the many final notices you get, or notice your heart racing when the phone rings for fear that it may be a bill collector...BUT you go shopping every weekend faithfully(and never coming home empty handed, might I add)? Or maybe you feel yourself drowning in debt, but rather than reaching out for assistance (negotiating new loan terms, exploring economic hardship provisions, getting credit counseling or financial planning assistance) you suffer in silence day after day.
Well I'm here to tell you: Stop torturing yourself! Do whatever is needed to rid you of the burden of your financial worries. Action is the first step in obtaining freedom, so imagine how good you will feel when you trade in your procrastination, avoidance, and associated stress for knowledge, progress, and ultimate achievement!