Showing posts with label bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bank. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Making Savings Fun

What you see above is my new money bank and also one of my favorite gifts that I got for Christmas. Yes, it's technically for kids, but it is absolutely adorable and makes me smile. It is designed like an ATM machine equipped with an ATM card and secret pin. It automatically counts the money I "deposit" and keeps track of my "balance." My boyfriend and I are using it to build our "weekend getaway" fund...granted we are only depositing coins so we're not expecting this to pay for the entire trip, but every little bit helps (and it's much better than having change weighing down my purse or filling up the upholder in my car).

Now the main reason I love this litte bank is because it makes saving money FUN. I get the rush and instant gratification that I don't feel when my money is automatically transferred each month. I hear the "ca-ching!" when the coins drop inside.  Plus it's something me and the boyfriend can do together, which is always nice!

So, how do you have fun with your savings?  Any tools (or toys)?  Tell me :)